Saturday, April 7, 2012

Everyone Has To Start Somewhere!

Sweet Mary Pete, this blank page is overwhelming! Where do I start?
I've been planning to blog for over a year. In fact, I set this one up last July. And this big blank page overwhelmed me. So many thoughts to organize! Not enough time! But time is made and there's no time like now.

So...I'm Seneca. Yeah. Like the applesauce. Or the street, if you're from Seattle. I have kids. And a mortgage. And a dog. And a head full of thoughts. About everything. 

The plan is to post about my life...which is pretty full of both awesomeness and challenges. 
There's a lot of things I am. And a lot of things I might be. Hence, She Might Be. Blogging, I hope, is a way to express, vent, share, create. Be.



  1. Yay! I'm so excited you started a blog :) Looking forward to reading about all your adventurers!

  2. I LOVE IT!! I am soooo excited too!!!! I can`t wait to hear your family stories. Hope there will be lots of pics too. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
